Thursday, October 8, 2009


Life is an incredible journey. It is a mysterious, wonderful, fascinating, exciting, dangerous, invigorating, mystifying journey, and then some.

Our website provides you with essential information to help you improve your journey on all levels in each aspect of Self; the emotional, spiritual, social and the physical-material selves.

Journeys consist of paths. Each “path” you choose is like navigating a highway riddled with potholes, rocks and soft shoulders that you cannot drive on. It makes the journey more difficult, uncomfortable and, sometimes, painful.

Learning how to avoid the potholes in life, missing the “rocks”, staying on the path toward happiness and joy and not getting caught up in events or issues that side track you is a worthy pursuit.

The information on this site will show you how to avoid those things that could set you back. You will learn how to manifest and develop your personal power, allowing you to achieve the goals you set as your destination without discomfort or pain. At the same time, you will achieve them faster than you would imagine, and the results will last because they are based on understandings.

The ultimate destination is, first and foremost, to know your Self. This will set you free from the subconscious concepts and patterns of behavior that are limiting and debilitating.

Another aspect of the goals is being in harmony with life, as well as creating harmony and balance in everything that you do.

Here is a cliché that is often heard in certain circles: “the universe provides”. There is truth in that statement because the universe does give you what you ask for, what you program for. This may not be what you always want. It is taught in the New Testament that if you ask you will receive, so the question is: are you aware of everything that you are asking for, on both the conscious and subconscious levels? The universe is giving it to you, right now. If you wonder what it is you are asking for, look around you.

Everything around you, the life that you are currently living, the situations that you are involved in, everything is a matter of fulfilling your subconscious “asking”. The universe is providing everything you asked for in order to fulfill your subconscious concepts and the expectations of Self based on those concepts.

Concepts govern your existence. They are the foundation of your personal belief system and they are loaded with expectations. The expectations help you to validate who you think you should be, and you continually seek to validate and prove that it is true. Everyone does.

The method of validation is patterns of behavior that you have created for each subconscious concept.

The patterns of behavior operate through the subconscious concepts and manifest them in very particular ways. Whatever shows up in your life is in keeping with your subconscious expectations of how it should be, as well as how you should be.

When you do not know what your concepts and your patterns of behavior are, then you are at the mercy of them. You may think that you have control, but the control you are exercising is that of fulfilling subconscious expectations.

The other side of the control issue is where affirmations, prayers, visualizations and directives come into play. Those are where you make a conscientious effort, a continuous conscious effort, to create the reality that you want. Prayers, programming and affirmations are all telling your mind/bio-computer what you want to accomplish. Visualizations are also of the same intent, but differently. With visualizations, you are seeing in your mind/bio-computer the reality you wish to create.

All of your creations are guaranteed to manifest. When you learn how to read the signs, or symbols, that help you stay on the path of your “affirmed” desires, they will manifest.

When you are driving on the highway, there are signs that indicate “curves ahead” or “soft shoulder” or an intersection is ahead. Signs tell you when to slow down and what the speed limit is. When you are in a city there are red, yellow and green lights as signs. All of those are signs and symbols from a different point of view. They are telling you what you need to do when you are on your path in your vehicle.

When we talk about a vehicle, consider the body from the same perspective. Your body is a vehicle. It carries your mind wherever it is that you want to go. The signs that help you stay on your path are called symbols. Symbols are energetic thought projections that are the physical manifestations of the energy at work in any given situation.

Highway signs are provided by the Department of Transportation. The Great Spirit/God that dwells within and without is working with you to provide your personal signs and symbols. It is using your Personal Emotional Associations (PEA) with people and things to communicate with you as your guide.

Everything in the universe is composed of atoms and in the center of those atoms resides an energetic nucleus. That energy is the same and it flows through everything.

Your mind makes emotional associations with events, people, places, foods, and things, all of which have an emotional attachment. They become your personal road signs to help you to understand where you are at any given moment in a pattern of behavior. Where you are is always a momentary place in a pattern of behavior that is seeking to fulfill a subconscious expectation of Self.

Those patterns of behavior flow in cycles. The beauty of this is that by reading symbols you have the opportunity to change the outcome of a particular pattern of behavior.

By making an attitude adjustment or a change through understanding and exercising control, you create a different result. Now your personal history no longer continues to be the reality of your life.

When you look back over your life you will see that even though situations, events and things appear to be different, they are very often the same and, fundamentally, they have not changed. The outcome is always the same.

It is to that end that this website seeks to help.

The very first step toward achieving a higher level of awareness, which leads to insights and understandings that help you gain control and ultimately master your life, begins with learning what symbols are and how to identify them when they manifest in your life.

God, your Great Spirit, your guides, your greater inner Self, is constantly communicating with you to help you stay on the path that leads to balance, harmony and, above all, mastery.

As you understand yourself and what it is that motivates you and propels you to do the things that you do, you begin to gain control over those emotional energies so that they have no effect upon you over time.

Your guides, your inner Self, talks to you day in and day out, and never abandons you and never leaves you without an answer to whatever the problem or situation may be. Remember that we are never placed in a situation we cannot master.

Part of the mastery is in understanding what the situation is. You achieve the understandings by reading the symbols that your mind uses to draw your attention to it in order to help you understand what you are going through at that moment. You will also learn to identify the subconscious concepts at work.

For those seeking a deeper and greater understanding of Self and life, the information here will provide that and more. It will help you stay on your “path” that will take you to the place of mastery within your life.

Mastery of life is having control over your emotions. As this is accomplished things will not upset you or deter you from your goals. Mastery, from another point of view, is the ability to live life without want.

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